Technology Catches Up With Freshwater Fishing Lures

Technology continues to move forward in our world with an ever increasing pace, though it has only been in recent years that the world of freshwater fishing have seen a marked change in the way freshwater fishing lures have been made.

The biggest change in the manufacture in fresh water lures since the good old days, when pretty much all lures were made from wood is the change to plastic and then to more exotic materials such as titanium.

The fishing masters must be turning over in their graves of what once was thought an art form, is now a mega multimillion market in the US alone. Today the latest material technologies produce lures which only just come short of catching the fish for you. Some old time freshwater anglers are hardly shy when saying that today the 'sport' of freshwater fishing is largely gone with the advent of swimbaits which provide an extremely life like baitfish swimming motion, or soft plastics which contain an impregnated fish attractant which almost make them 'taste' better than real bait fish.

With many high end lures the only real obstacle to catching your target fish is locating where they were hiding. Once found, all that is needed is a half descent presentation and the fish is pretty much caught.

Though many may argue that its not the technological advances alone that make today's lures more lethal for freshwater fish. Readily available educational resources for freshwater fishing as well as the increasing popularity of the sport through high profile bass and fly fishing tournaments have also had their part to play in the average fisherman being that 'in the know' and deadly at his art.

All in all its amusing to think that if our pioneers of freshwater fishing lures were still here today, could they out fish our current freshwater tournament pro's even with the latest freshwater lures. Have we become more attuned to our environment and increased our understanding of our quarry or have become lazy and allowed technology do more and more of the work.

The fact is the truth is probably somewhere in between as I'm sure if an elite pro were only allowed to use an antique lure he would obviously still catch fish. But today in our performance driven world there are few things more uncomfortable than going backwards or doing things the hard way to prove a point.

The fact remains that there is no stopping the advance in technology and fresh water anglers will continue to seek that edge in order to become a better fisherman.

John Salamon is a avid product tester of freshwater lures and experienced freshwater fisherman who enjoys writing about his passion.

For more informative articles on the latest freshwater lures available and some great freshwater fishing techniques visit the Freshwater Lures website.

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