JW Youngs Margin Carp Rod

With its forgiving through action, the Margin Carp is the ideal rod for all close range work and great fun to use.
Whether freelining, legering, fishing floaters or baits under a float close in, the action of the Margin Carp prevents breakages on the strike, while its built in power will turn and hold fish and prevent them ploughing into snags without the risk of the hook pulling out.
  • Length: 11ft
  • Construction: 2 piece
  • Test Curve: 2.25lb
  • Recommended Reel Lines: 8 to 15lbs
Whilst designed as a Carp Margin rod, these also make a superb Salmon worming rod.

 RRP £139.95
 Best deal £67.53 at Tacklebargains.co.uk

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